She Is
She Is
She Is Receiving Her Manasseh
Get ready for an awesome episode this week, everyone! Hannah has such a powerful word about forgiveness, how walking through trials is never in vain when we walk with the Lord. When Joseph was sold into slavery, he probably never imagined his life would end up the way it did. He was in a position of leadership over Egypt that allowed him to save countless people when the famine came, including the brothers who had rejected him. And God gave him a son who he named Manasseh, “cause to forget”. That blessing allowed him to forget the trouble he had endured, and receive a blessing. If you’re walking through a trial right now; just know that your Manasseh might just be on the way.
Show Notes:
Genesis 37
Genesis 41:51-52https://youtu.be/I5T1b4xAvXU?si=W0c6cxhrkjXGInAS (https://youtu.be/I5T1b4xAvXU?si=W0c6cxhrkjXGInAS)
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