She Is
Encouraging and equipping women to be confident in God’s promises.
She Is
She Is Returning to Her First Love
Refuge City Church
Season 4
Episode 4
"God wants us to come back to our First Love, so He can restore us to our original intent! If we have Him, we have EVERYTHING!" - Nicole Boyd
What's your why? What's the reason you do what you do? This week, we get to hear from Nicole, and she is breaking down a song by Kari Jobe called "First Love". We're going to be diving into the Word to pick apart each verse from this amazing song, and discover how God sees us and His amazing love for us!
Show Notes:
1 Samuel 10:5-6
Song of Songs 1:12-18
Song of Songs 8:6-7
Revelation 2: 1-7
John 6:22-69
Email: sheispodcast@refugecity.church
Instagram: she_is_podcast
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